Legal notices

Association Paroles par l’Image
Bâtiment de la Poste
38570 Theys
Tél. : + 33 (0)4 76 71 17 22

Email :

All the texts and pictures in this website are ©Paroles par l’image and ©Zedd. Photographies are the property of their respectives authors.

This website does not collect any personal data. If your name or a picture of you do appear in this website and you wish it to be removed, please do contact us using the above mentionned email address.

Links: you may create a link to the homepage of this website without any authorization, however, deep links are to be authorized by Paroles par l’image.

Design and making:
2 rue des Arts et Métiers
+33 (0)4 58 00 30 57

Zedd server colocated in the Titan datacenter in Mougins.